Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman

November 17, 2010
By runnergirl97 BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
runnergirl97 BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Full Tilt was a thoughtfully written book. I have never heard of another book about being trapped in an amusement park where you have to literally survive rides to get out. The basic premise of the book is that a 16- year-old boy named Blake, his 13- year-old brother Quinn, and his friends Maggie and Russ get trapped in an 'amusement' park. In order to get out of the park and back into the real world, they have to survive seven deadly rides. If you end up dying on one of the rides you become part of the park. And, on top of that, no one has ever survived all of the rides.
One of my only problems I have with this book is that it seems too short. I think it could almost be drawn out a little bit more, I read this book in about two days, and I don't necessarily read that quickly. If I were to add on to this book I would add more to the beginning to make your background knowledge of Blake and his family more complete.
The whole concept of the park is kind of iffy and confusing. It could be explained in more detail to make it clearer to some readers.
I really enjoyed reading this book, despite the handful of changes I would have made. I praise Neal on the idea of the book and how he incorperated the rides to each character. If you like mystery, excitement, and different ideas of something that might be able to happen, I would recommend Full Tilt to you.

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