Uglies by Scott Westerfeld | Teen Ink

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

October 21, 2010
By Zira333 PLATINUM, Rockville, Maryland
Zira333 PLATINUM, Rockville, Maryland
22 articles 10 photos 0 comments

Summary: All Tally ever wanted was to be Pretty. As a Pretty, she would live in Mansions, have no need for school, party constantly and all the rules set for uglies wouldn’t apply to her anymore. At age 16 it is required to get plastic surgery and you become a pretty. But the summer before her 16th birthday, Tally unexpectedly meets another ugly, Shay who for some reason has no desire for dazzling beauty. A few nights before her 16th birthday, Shay escapes the city to join a rebellion. The smoke recruited uglies who understood the effects of the operation. The day Tally is supposed to get her new life surgery, she gets an unexpected visit from Special Circumstances. The specials were a government agency formed to protect the boundaries of the city. But when Tally is threatened to remain ugly forever or betray her friends. Her whole life mixes up. What path will Tally choose? Friendship or her dream of fitting into society? On her journey to figure out who she is Tally finds out what love is, and what becoming beautiful consists of. This is a story of adventure, romance, action, mystery and truths.

The author's comments:
This is a wonderful exiting book and this summary does not give away the ending so read on!


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on Nov. 1 2010 at 9:14 am
Vanendra BRONZE, Blasdell, New York
1 article 76 photos 311 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I just sneezed and it hurt my pelvis."~Jasmine Omg
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love"~Marylin Monroe
"I didn't tell him nowhere where you live" ~me ^-^
"I like the wolves on this textbook, they have very legs" ~Jasmine Omg

soooo true,i love this book should read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins,i believe you would enjoy it ^-^