poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver | Teen Ink

poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver

October 1, 2010
By hansobra001 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
hansobra001 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The poisonwood bible, a great piece of work. It consists of a mother, a father, and their four daughters. They go to the congo so the father can attempt to convert the locals to christianity a much harder feat than he originally thought. The family very clueless to how going to the congo will be will have you constantly asking "why?". Kingsolver has very well portrayed the price family as a conflicted very unique group of individuals which are easily related to. The difference in the individuals adds a special depth which could not have been attained through the eyes of one character. The change in perspective keeps the writing fresh and the many different attitudes and personas of the characters helps you as a reader get into it. You feel almost part of their joirney being a part of their heartache and the pain they endure.Though you don't need the change in perspective to feel entrapped in this glamorous depiction of congo and it's people. The book strongly symbolizes how difficult and sometimes ignorant it can be to push your religion on to others. This represented mostly through the authors depiction of the father an ignorant selfish minister. The book has a great deal of foreshadowing and strong symbolization.
This book is a must read and is written very strongly. You will become part of kingsolvers world as she takes you on a journey with the price family and the pages seem to turn themselves.


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