Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte | Teen Ink

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

July 8, 2010
By tuzik SILVER, Martinsville, New Jersey
tuzik SILVER, Martinsville, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 37 comments

If you ignore the fact that Jane Eyre is five times longer than it needs to be and uses ancient words like “ere” and “salubrious,” then this novel definitely has some soap opera potential.

It starts off with an orphan (think Oliver Twist) with a very horrible aunt (think Harry Potter). Proceed to boarding school and position as governess. But before the heroine can fall in love with and marry her master, Mr. Rochester, the author throws in the beautiful, rich Ms. Ingram to make Jane jealous, as well as the crazy, psychotic Bertha Mason, whose existence makes marriage legally impossible.

So what does Jane do? She runs off, experiences two days of homelessness, and then chooses the one house in all of England whose inhabitants are actually her long-lost cousins. The only thing less likely than that is if she had won the lottery. But wait – that basically happens too, when Jane’s long-lost uncle dies and leaves her with twenty thousand pounds.

Jane, being the wonderful and generous person that she is, divides the money among her three newfound cousins. Shortly thereafter, one of them proposes to her. She refuses and runs back to her beloved Mr. Rochester, who never stopped missing her. Unfortunately, he has since become blind and one-armed, and thinks Jane no longer loves him. But she does, and they finally get married.

So after a lot of reading and thinking, “I wish this description of the woods would finally be over,” Jane Eyre finally has her happily ever after, and I’m finally done with my summer reading.


This article has 3 comments.

iDogrocker said...
on Jul. 17 2010 at 5:33 pm
iDogrocker, Lebanon, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 78 comments
This is a good review, aside from a couple moderately juvenile thoughts ;) You seemed to almost get bored with the review by the end, like you were ready to be rid of any and everything to do with Jane. Thanks for the information, though!

tuzik SILVER said...
on Jul. 16 2010 at 7:27 am
tuzik SILVER, Martinsville, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 37 comments
i completely understand what you mean about how the review is supposed to be less biased, but for this one i definitely felt like putting in more sarcasm and opinion. im glad you think it was entertaining, i was definitely aiming for that :)

a.m.f BRONZE said...
on Jul. 15 2010 at 9:35 pm
a.m.f BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
3 articles 12 photos 97 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God never shuts a door unless he opens another."

I like this review; it's entertaining and it sums the book up pretty well. I totally agree with your views about the book; the review is full of sarcasm, and it's obvious that this review is very opinionated.  Usually reviews show a hint of opinion by the author, but that can sometimes cause a few problems.  You want reviews to be more...I don't know, less bias, if you get what I'm saying.  Yes, it is impossible not to show some of your views in a review, but you want to try to make it more factual and informative than opinionated.  I hope you get that; I don't think I explained it very well. haha