X-Force #1 - Comic Masterpiece | Teen Ink

X-Force #1 - Comic Masterpiece MAG

By Anonymous

   Rob Liefeld has a hit! Published by Marvel, X-Force Volume One, Number One, (August 1991) sports the hottest theme in comics since the uncanny X-Men. This masterpiece of rags boasts a powerful mutant team with a mission: to fight for their lives. I haven't seen another comic book with such potential in a long while, and it seems Liefeld and DeFalco are going to make it happen.

With Cable leading a cast of Shatterstar, Boom Boom, Warpath, Cannonball, Feral and Domino, the book was nothing short of a triumph. This was surely proven as it soared to record sales, second only to X-Men Issue One. This magazine is A1, and since its reprint is still on the shelves, everyone has a chance to get it. With great art and a strong storyline,

X-Force is a must for any collection, or, for that matter, anyone looking for a good read. n


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i love this !