Gone With The Wind And Scarlett | Teen Ink

Gone With The Wind And Scarlett MAG

By Anonymous

   I heard Gone With The Wind mentioned a few times (before I read it), here and there. Finally, just for the fun of it, I borrowed it from the library. I wanted to embark on my first long novel. I didn't know what was in store for me.

Gone With The Wind was so awesome; it was unbelievable. I read 50 pages and I was hooked - just to put it mildly. There are 1,024 pages and I read it as quickly as I could because it kept me in suspense. Margaret Mitchell writes superbly. She makes you feel as if you are there, acting out the story along with the characters.

This book is an all-time classic. Each has his/her own, personal, individual character. Sometimes you will find it amusing and you will laugh out loud, but it can also make you sad enough to cry. That is the good part about the story. I loved Gone With The Wind, so, of course, when it was casually mentioned that there was a sequel, I moved mountains to have Scarlett placed directly into my hands. I read it in a shorter time than Gone With The Wind. After reading Scarlett, I fed my hunger to know what become of the relationship between Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine, and Rhett Butler, the hero. Their relationship was exciting and intriguing. I could read both books over and over again. n

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i love this !