Anne Frank: Diary Of A Young Girl | Teen Ink

Anne Frank: Diary Of A Young Girl MAG

By Anonymous

   I just finished reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. It is a very powerful, moving book about a teenager growing up and sorting out her feelings under very difficult conditions. Her name is Anne Frank, and this is her story. You really get to know her and the people with whom she went into hiding.

During the World War Two, eight people lived in the back of an office building for a year and a half. Never seeing sunshine, never seeing flowers, never seeing friends, not knowing whether they were dead or alive. More than six million people died in the Holocaust unnecessarily, six million like the Franks and Van Dans. For no reason. Not criminals. Good people. Smart people. Friendly people. Talented people.

I think that everyone should read this book. It doesn't matter who you are. You have an obligation to see the injustice that occurred, and still occurs in some parts of the world. Even if you don't want to hear about it, you should. n


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i love this !