The Best Of H. Jackson Brown | Teen Ink

The Best Of H. Jackson Brown MAG

By Anonymous

   Normally, I wouldn't find myself telling others of a good book I have read, but an artistic, teen-targeted paper, I feel compelled to. I have recently received two books by the same author that have touched me. The author I am referring to is H. Jackson Brown Jr., who has graciously put Life's Little Instruction Book and Live, Learn, and Pass It On on the market. Upon seeing these books, I quickly envisioned them as anthologies of cutesy sayings for older people, but when I opened them, I was enthralled to find advice from an open heart. They were originally written as a wedding present for his son, but he enjoyed it so much that it continued into a full scale compilation.

Life's Little Instruction Book contains pieces of insight into the joys of a happy life. Its purpose was to leave the reader feeling content and full of ideas on how to change for the better. These can truly help a person in a time of need and guide the reader on his/her journey for a happy and content life.

H. Jackson Brown Jr. has recently followed his bestselling book with Live, Learn, and Pass It On, another anthology of knowledge attained by people of all ages. From six-year-olds learning that goldfish don't like Jello-O to ninety-six-year-olds knowing love for the first time, this book encompasses all into a heartwarming classic.

These novels are small enough to fit in your pocket, and deserved to be carried everywhere. They contain the mysteries of life unraveled, and display hope for improvement like no others. n


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i love this !