Peeled by Joan Bauer | Teen Ink

Peeled by Joan Bauer

March 17, 2010
By veritas4 SILVER, Bolivar, Missouri
veritas4 SILVER, Bolivar, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind. -William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Newbery Honor author of Hope Was Here, has, in my opinion, done it again. In a present day small town a girl named Hildy Biddle, an up and coming journalist for her school paper, The Core. It's culture and traditions are centered around the many family owned orchards. When commercialism threatens her way of life, The Core is stopped, and families are being threatened to leave all they have ever known behind, Hildy steps in. Using the power of words she stops a company in their tracks, with the help of some friends (and enemies). Hildy learns the importance of sticking with a passion when everyone else has given into fear. A happy and charming book, full of mystery and journalism. I highly recommend it as a light hearted book to read during the coming spring. Bauer manages to maintain a humourous voice even in the face of despair. I enjoyed reading it and struggled to put it down. Even reluctant readers will gobble up this book.

The author's comments:
I put down Peeled and was actually disappointed it was over. I hope people find as much enjoyment in this book as I did.


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