Midnighters #1: The Secret Hour by Scott Westerfeld | Teen Ink

Midnighters #1: The Secret Hour by Scott Westerfeld

March 14, 2010
By sunnyhunny PLATINUM, Litchfield, New Hampshire
sunnyhunny PLATINUM, Litchfield, New Hampshire
22 articles 3 photos 329 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.&quot;<br /> -Ghandi

Jessica Day, a city girl, was moving to the dull little town of Bixby, Oklahoma. Or at least that’s what she thought…

There is a lot more to Bixby than meets the eye. The Midnighters could sense the presence of somebody similar to them. Rex had insisted that it was Jessica, the new girl in school. Her clarity to him was unsettling. Initially, the others did not concur, but they agreed to investigate further. Before long, they were absolutely sure that Rex had been correct.

It was Jess’s dream that started it all. Delicate raindrop diamonds hung suspended around her, and the sky glowed blue. The dream was brilliant, but what was the explanation for the wet sweatshirt on her floor the next day? Jess quickly started to uncover the true secrets of Bixby. Much was explained to her in detail by the other Midnighters, but many things remained quite uncertain to all of them. For some unknown reason, the darklings were ruthlessly seeking her out. It was evident that they wanted her dead, but the motivation behind their savage efforts was unclear. The Midnighters would do their best to find out why they were after her, risking their lives in the process.

Bixby was undisputedly strange, but fortunately Jess soon began to make friends, fall in love, and discover herself. She had some of the most thrilling experiences of her life in the tiny town. I enjoyed this book, and I encourage people to read it who are able to keep an open mind to strange concepts and new ideas. This book was very unique, and at some points I found it a little too unusual for me. The book’s differences keep it from being too predictable, though, and it leaves you pondering what will happen next every time you put it down.


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