The Curse Of The Bambino | Teen Ink

The Curse Of The Bambino MAG

By Anonymous

   This book has put into words the mentality of the loyal fans of Boston's beloved Red Sox after years of emotional torment. For those of you who aren't familiar with the history of the Sox, you are in for a most entertaining book about one of baseball's great tragedies.

Dan Shaughnessy writes with a twisted sense of humor about the inconceivable act of the Red Sox's selling the greatest baseball player of all time, Babe Ruth, to the despised Yankees. After that, as Shaughnessy put it, "The curse began." For the next three-quarters of a century, Shaughnessy goes through each excruciating account of the curse with an ironic twist to go with the torturing truth. From Johnny Pesky's so-called hesitation throw to the nightmarish grounder that dribbled through Bill Buckner's legs in the '86 World Series, it's all there.

Dan Shaughnessy puts in perspective that in all of professional sports there hasn't been any franchise quite like the Boston Red Sox. No team has broken more hearts or tormented their fans with the "agony of defeat" to the same extreme as the Red Sox. Shaughnessy writes how the Yankee fans laughed and the Red Sox fans cried when it all went wrong after the Babe left town. With an intriguing style, Shaughnessy writes the perfect anthology for this storied franchise. This is why I give this book a strong recommendation to any baseball fan


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i love this !