Star Wars, Heir To The Empire | Teen Ink

Star Wars, Heir To The Empire MAG

By Anonymous

   The Star Wars movies; who hasn't seen them? The blockbuster "Star Wars," "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" were ahead of their time. They clearly showed the things that could be done with a person's imagination, giving way to new dimensions of thinking and science fiction. The Star Wars Trilogy has captivated audiences for more than a generation and with the recent re-release of "Star Wars," memorabilia is now in a greater demand than ever. What better way to collect some great memorabilia but through the barrage of books? One that catches attention is the Timothy Zahn trilogy including: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command. The first of the trilogy, Heir to the Empire, is an epic adventure meant to be treasured by any Star Wars fanatic.

This tale is set five years after the last of the Star Wars movies. The Battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire is over, or is it? Somehow, thousands of light years away from the alliance base, a small part of the Empire has survived and is planning on taking over the Alliance. They are also setting out to capture Luke Skywalker, the last of the Jedi knights, so he can't pass on his abilities to his sister or anyone else. This makes him their number one threat, so it is up to Luke

Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and his buddy Chewbacca - with the unforgettable R2-D2 and C3-PO on the side of the Rebels (who again have to try to save the entire galaxy from the Empire). Opposing them is evil Admiral Thrawn, next in line after the death of the Jedi Master Darth Vader and Captain Palleon, always at his side. Put them together and you have an explosive text that pulls the reader into a story of wonder and amazement.

This book is definitely a masterpiece. The reader is drawn into a dimension of wonder, drama, adventure and all the other qualities that make books masterpieces. One interesting note is that the author keeps all of your favorite characters and droids making them key players in the rebellion, and keeping their special characteristics. Star Wars has been captivating audiences for generations and this book definitely deserves the term "Star Wars - a masterpiece of a book." After you finish this tale, you immediately have to pick up the other books to satisfy your need for excitement. They are impossible to put down


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i love this !