The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson | Teen Ink

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

February 23, 2010
By gel.elopre BRONZE, Singapore, Other
gel.elopre BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book The Adoration of Jenna Fox really took me by surprise. For a literature circle book, I’d chosen a more realistic one since that is what I’m most comfortable with reading. Sadly, I didn’t get the book and ended up with The Adoration of Jenna Fox. This book is about a girl, named Jenna Angeline Fox, who was involved in a car accident and has been in a coma for over a year. When she awakens, she figures out how to live her life again, how to become a normal teenager and searches for her true past and identity. But, as secrets unfold, lies and secrets are learnt. Such as that she is not like us humans, but a teenage girl made of Bio Gel. This was what her Dad’s company used on her to make her live as she had a very slight chance to live which caused her family into hiding. In short, she is made to “perfect” and “relive” the real Jenna. At first, since this book had scientific content, I was afraid that I would not understand the book with all the scientific details and information about her. As I started progressing through the book I slowly understood it. The author, Mary Pearson, explained the details and information in “kid language” that any reader can understand. The story is also focuses on her life struggles rather than how she's made.
After I’d finished the book, I gave it a score of eight out of ten. The author, Mary Pearson, used many great techniques that I may use for my future stories. She slowly unfolds information bit by bit and adds a lot of suspense. I read the book every day and couldn’t wait to finish it. The author also added a unique touch to her story; she inserted short poems in between the chapters. I thought that the plot and theme of the story was very different from other young adult books which made it fresh and unique. The story could be made better by making it more interesting and explaining the other lives of the other characters. For example, one character, Dane, was written as a very suspicious person at first. But when it was close to ending, Dane hardly showed up again which made me curious and want more about him. For the ending, I was disappointed. Mary Pearson could have written it full out. I thought it was abrupt and longed for more.
I do recommend The Adoration of Jenna Fox for students who are in their Middle School years. I strongly suggest this to girls although boys can also read this with no problem at all. So if you’re bored of young adult books always portraying lives of teenagers having to struggle in school, friendship, family and cliques, this is a book that is different from all of those but something you could still relate to.

The author's comments:
This review was written for a literature book circle project for my RLA class at school.


This article has 2 comments.

moonbeam said...
on Feb. 27 2010 at 8:30 am
good job! i'll read it next time!

anonymous said...
on Feb. 27 2010 at 8:28 am
good book review!:)