The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo | Teen Ink

The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo

January 26, 2010
By samIam BRONZE, Aurora, Other
samIam BRONZE, Aurora, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo focuses on many thought-provoking aspects of life. It demonstrates the issues of government corruption, racism, and how sometimes not

This adventurous story paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind about the exact feelings of the characters and what they are going through. The real life connections are ones faced by real people every day. This story helps remind us that we shouldn’t take our freedom and our privileges for granted, because there are many people all over those world who lack that freedom and those privileges and who are being injured, prosecuted, and hurt for striving to obtain or speaking out for those rights and those privileges and standing up for their beliefs like Folarin, Sade and Femi’s father did. And the cost? Their mother’s life.

Beverley Naidoo also does an amazing job of reminding us that although everyone is different and unique in their own way, we have no right to be rude or prejudice towards them. Tons of people have relationship problems with others every day, but still, we should take it into our account to be kind and show respect to one another, no matter what. Everyone deserves at least that decency. You never know where people are coming from or what is going on in their lives, so it is our job to try to befriend them and help them out so they don’t feel so alone in the world, like Sade and Femi felt as they were alone in an unfamiliar place.


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