Leon's Story by Leon Walter Tillage | Teen Ink

Leon's Story by Leon Walter Tillage

January 25, 2010
By Anonymous

I would recommend this book to middle school students. The book is about an African- American man named Leon and his life growing up. He was born on January 19, 1936 and grew up working with his family on a farm. It was a hard life, but he never complained. Leon faced discrimination and segregation throughout his childhood and has been through life changing experiences, For example, his father was killed on Leon’s thirteenth birthday by a car. After that, Leon had to work harder to keep the family afloat. He and his friends always had to watch out for white kids who would hurt them. When Leon became older, he joined the Civil Rights Movement and helped change the way African-Americans were being treated. He went on to work many jobs, but settled down as a custodian at Park school in Baltimore. In closing, Leon tells his story every year to seventh grade students and his life story has been made into a book.

I recommend this book because it is a very easy book to read and an interesting book. When I read it, I understood and could really imagine what it was like to live during the time of discrimination and segregation towards African-Americans. Leon was part of many things like the Civil Rights Movement. If you enjoy reading about history, I guarantee that you will enjoy reading this book.

Therefore, I read the book Leon’s Story by Leon Walter Tillage and I recommend it to middle school students.


This article has 1 comment.

yona123 said...
on Jan. 30 2015 at 11:51 am
yona123, Hammond, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
@FRANZ you should really read this book its really good for a girl like you