My Sister's Bones | Teen Ink

My Sister's Bones MAG

By Anonymous

   My Sister's Bones by first-time author Cathi Hanauer is uncommonly insightful andelegant, yet simple. It gives power and dignity to the topic of anorexia.

My Sister's Bones takes place in West Berry, New Jersey, where16-year-old Billie learns that her sister Cassie (who is in college) has anorexiaand seems to be fading away.

Billie must deal with the decay of heronce-beautiful sister, (who is now fragile, pale and nothing but bones); herfather's denial about Cassie's eating disorder; plus all the trials that comewith being 16.

Billie seems to be losing everything: her boyfriend, herfriends, her sister and even her mind. Will Billie and Cassie pull through? youwonder as you read. Well, there's only one way to find out. Pick up My Sister'sBones. You won't want to put it down.


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i love this !