teen vogue handbook by icons of the fashion world | Teen Ink

teen vogue handbook by icons of the fashion world

January 13, 2010
By OlenkaOMg GOLD, Mooresville, North Carolina
OlenkaOMg GOLD, Mooresville, North Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be avant garde.

The Teen Vogue handbook is a collection of successful designers, stylists, make-up artists, bloggers, editors, hairstylists,models and photographers sharing their journeys and giving advice about how to enter the business. These people include Karl Ladgerfeild, Chanel Iman, Anna Wintour, Thakoon, Alexander Wang, Pat Mcgrath, and much much more. In addition, you hear from their assistants, who are not far from reaching the top too. I have learned more about the fashion business than anything else I ever read or watched from a tv in a year compared to the handbook in a week. Not only is it very helpful to finding out what you want to do and ways to get the job and necessary suppliers for the job, but it also includes a guide of the best colleges for the career choices from all over the world. But don't worry, most of them are in the US. This handbook is a requirement for every fashionista out there and if you buy it, you get a free year of teen vogue!


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