Dear John by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

January 6, 2010
By Anonymous

The book I read was called Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. Nicholas Sparks has sold over fifty million of his books in the World Wide Print. He also lives in North Carolina with his wife and family, and that’s where most places in his books take place. The genre of this book is a love story about a boy and girl in a long term relationship who spent two weeks together and fell in love. John is in the army and comes back on his leafs to see her, but it’s only once or twice a year. This is more of a chick flick book but as a reader, I think anyone would enjoy reading it because they are so addictive to read you can’t take your eyes off the pages. Once you start you can’t stop reading it.

The book takes place in North Carolina in 2001, when the Iraq war. Savannah and her friends were there for a trip to help build houses for poor families and she met John. He was out surfing like every other day and she dropped her purse in the water. He jumped in and got it for her and after that she invited them to their beach house they were renting and they made plans for the next day and they hung out for two straight weeks and fell in love. He is in the army and he is about to leave again to go back to Germany, and Savannah has to go back to her hometown. He only comes back twice a year to see her. They write letters to each other and talk on the phone all the time while she goes to college and he’s in the army. Right when John’s journey of the army was about over, the terrorists attacked and caused 9-11. All of johns friends in the army decided to enlist again, so he did too. That put a wait on Johns and Savannahs relationship. Savannahs letters started coming later and later.

I love this book, I thought the first part of it was really good, and it made me wonder how the book was going to end. The book surprised me at the end, the way it all happened. The only reason I read this book was because I knew the movie is coming out in February, I’m so excited to see it. And in between the time of seeing it, I want to read more of his books. It left a lasting impact because I want to know more when the book ends. That’s how it is with every one of his books I never want them to end. It did change my views as a reader, because I love Nicholas Spark books and I will continue to read all of his books.

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