Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks | Teen Ink

Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks

December 15, 2009
By autumn_13 BRONZE, Blaclick, Ohio
autumn_13 BRONZE, Blaclick, Ohio
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You're a blemish on the face of society. Your parents kicked you out of the house, and you've been reduced to selling drugs on the street. Well, that's Chappie's, the main character of "Rule of the Bone", life. All throughout the novel, the reader is introduced to crazy, eccentric characters that all play a very important role in the shaping of Chappie's life. The actual writing of "Rule of the Bone" is original too, without quotation marks, run-on sentences and littered with cursing. The talk of topics such as drugs, sex, rape, illegal aliens and child pornography show the author's courage to break the rules. Or, if you look at it from a different perspective, create new ones. The common theme of growing up is a struggle that all readers have, will, or is now going through, which is all what "Rule of the Bone" is about; the complex and confusing feelings that go hand in hand with hormones and puberty.


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