Shadowland by Alyson Noel | Teen Ink

Shadowland by Alyson Noel

December 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Book Review over Shadowland by Alyson Noel

Have you ever wanted to be immortal. Have you ever wanted to live forever with the one you love and never have to die. Well thats what its like for Ever. In the book the Shadowland by Alyson Noel, Ever has a boyfriend named Damen and they are both immortal now. Damen has lived the last six hundred years trying to find Ever every time that she dies. Now she isn’t able to touch the one she loves because a man named Roman gives Damen a potion where Ever has to mix her DNA with so it will cure him. Now they can no longer touch or they face the empty, bottomless pit of the shadowland. Now you are up to speed.

Ever is SO distraught when she can no longer touch him without either of them dying but, she has no idea how to tell him. When Damen finds out he doesn’t know what they are going to do. Trying to break the curse Ever goes to visit Ramen to try to figure out how to get the antidote so she can be with Damen again in peace. Ramen tells Ever that she will have to “pay the right price” if she wants the antidote. Ever reuses and trust me so would I. I mean Ramen just seams like a creeper if you ask me.

Damen and Ever are having a hard time with both taking care of Romy and Rayne, going to school, and trying to figure out how to break the curse. They don’t really need another thing to worry about right, well of course to make things really interesting a new kid comes to school by the name of Jude. For some reason Damen does not like the guy that Ever assumes he had ever met and Ever feels attracted to this guy that she knows that she has never met. It also doesn’t help that Jude works with Ever at her job at the Mystics and Moonbeams shop.

While helping Romy and Rayne try to refined their magick Ever finds a secret book about magick underneath the store at which she works. Seeing this book again Romy and Rayne tell Ever what it really is. Its a book of dark magick. Damen tells them that this book is to advanced and dangerous to be used by anybody. While looking through this book Jude walks in and sees that they are using the book that he knows was there. He asks them how they found it and he just laughs because he was not surprised that Ever found it.

Damen tells Ever that before they met hundreds of years ago that she was first in love with Jude. Damen tells Ever that he was always getting in the way of them being together. He tells Ever that he is going to leave her for a while and going to let her see if she likes Jude. Ever refuses but Damen is already gone. While Ever try to avoid Jude as much soon Damen sees them together and see how close he thinks they have become. He leaves and Ever is in distraught.

Ever will not stand for this she decides to go see Roman to make him give the antidote to her so that she can be with Damen. When Ever gets to Roman’s house she sees that he best friend is almost dead on the floor. At Roman’s house not only is Roman and Haven (Ever’s best friend) there but, Damen is also there to help Haven. If you want to find out what happens just go and read Shadowland by Alyson Noel yourself.


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 11 2010 at 2:43 pm
BieberFever20 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:

First of all, you have MANY spelling errors like you put Ramen instead of Roman, many times. You also had many other errors. Other than that, i think it is a good review. I have read shadowland, so i think that this was a ok review. Good job!