Love Among the Walnuts by Jean Ferris | Teen Ink

Love Among the Walnuts by Jean Ferris

November 18, 2009
By bookworm123 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
bookworm123 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I personally loved this book. It is the type of book that you can not judge by its cover. There is a boy named Sandy who grew up in the countryside and was isolated from most other people. He lived with his rich mother and father by the names of Horatio Alger Hunter-Ackerman and Mousy next to Walnut Manor. His parents loved him so much, and they all had a very special bond.

Sandy’s mother and father gave him a great life together, and life was really simple. His father has two brothers who are jealous of his fortune. They make up a scheme to poison his whole family by giving them poisoned wedding cake to put them all into a coma so that they will be the owners of the fortune. Sandy and their driver were the only ones who did not eat the cake and wake up to find that the rest of their family has been poisoned! The two brothers were not aware that Sandy was not in any type of coma. They spend many months trying to hide the evidence form the brothers or else the fortune will be gone. After transferring his parents to Walnut Manor hospital next door, they do their best to come up with an antidote before it is too late.

I will not tell you what happens because you have to read it. At first, I was not sure that I would enjoy it. It ended up being a great book that I will read again. Love among the Walnuts is a brilliant book that is a pleasure to have on your book shelf.

The author's comments:
Well, I read this book over the summer and really enjoyed it. Near the end I could not put it down. I have always enjoyed mystery books with a little bit of suspense, and this book seemed like it was just that type of book! At first, I did not want to read it, but in the end it was a great book.


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