Neverwhere | Teen Ink


July 13, 2009
By bookcrazy PLATINUM, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
bookcrazy PLATINUM, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
35 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman is a highly entertaining book. The writing is great, the characters are well thought out, and there are unexpected twists that jump at you and hilarious moments that make you laugh out loud. In my opinion, however, the plot wasn't the most original. I'm sure there are other books about a mystical world underground, or a girl who has a magical power for opening doors. However, there is a unique aspect in this book, something I can't exactly pinpoint, which makes the book quite engaging.

So, what's the story? I guess it could be described as a gothic fairy tale for adults. Richard's life is great until he stumbles upon a bleeding girl named Door (and yeah, you heard me right, her name is Door). And, then his life, you guessed it, spiraling down like in a whielpool. He becomes snatched into the dangerous thrilling world underneath London, and, before he knows it, is on a quest in search of the killer of Door's family. And, I know what you're thinking. You're probably like, That's the story? It sounds exactly like the stuff on the back of hundreds of other books. Well, there is actually so much more to the story, stuff that would be better read than explained.

My rating for the book wouldn't be 5 stars though. I deducted one star, because the history of the Underground world wasn't clearly explained. Who runs it? How did it start? Is this world just underneath London or in other places too? and so one and so forth.

And, look at this. Once in the book, Richard askes about the Floating Market (which is a market that contains everything but its location changes):

He asks, “Who decides where it gets held, and when? And how do the first people find out where it's being held?”

And, you know what explanation Door gives?

“I've never thought about it.”

Huh. What's the point in putting in a question when you're not going to give an answer, Neil Gaiman? And, I don't think there is a sequel to explain all of these unanswered questions, right?


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