Is Mixed Signals Full of Mixed Signlas? | Teen Ink

Is Mixed Signals Full of Mixed Signlas? MAG

April 29, 2024
By Emilyv220 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Emilyv220 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison is a sweet and cute rom-com full of humor, suspense, friendship, and love.

The book starts with the main character, Layla, stuck at a bar with a bad date. I wasn’t the biggest fan of her at first; she seemed judgy and unhappy about the smallest thing, but I enjoyed watching
her character develop as the book progressed. 

But when the male main character, Caleb, walks up to Layla at the bar like a knight in shining armor, you instantly fall in love with him. He is joyful and outgoing, and he cares about everyone, especially Layla. 

Caleb is a super nice guy — maybe too nice for his own good. Dropping everything he's doing, he takes Layla home. On the way, Caleb strikes up a deal with Layla to help one another with their dating lives. He takes her on dates so she knows what it's like to be treated well, and she rates how he did so he can learn not to overthink relationships. All this with no strings attached between them — seems simple enough. I mean, if someone (who I genuinely like) wants to take me out on dates, I would say yes so fast.

Though, it's not that simple — and it gets confusing for them both. Throughout the whole book, you see Caleb be the most perfect guy someone could ever be, and you instantly ship them together (and you want him for yourself). Caleb is so hard on himself and is scared that he messes up when it comes to dating. Layla shows him that he has nothing to worry about and that he is incredible, while she thinks she doesn't deserve a good person to be with — and Caleb is desperate for her to see she does. The character development is really awesome and this book has a lot of side plots involving Layla and her bakery. Because of this, you don't get bored and you get so invested in their lives. All the friendships and relationships that you see intertwined with the book make your heart warm and it just makes you believe in love.

Author B.K. Borison is a phenomenal writer, and her love stories are wonderful. She expresses the characters' emotions beautifully, and the dialogue she writes fits perfectly with the story. I'm so glad I decided to pick it up before any of my other unread books, and I can't wait to read the other two books the author has in her Lovelight book series. 

The author's comments:

 The book B.K. Borison Mixed Signals, a romcom. 

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