Drama by raina telgmeir | Teen Ink

Drama by raina telgmeir

February 2, 2024
By reeluvv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
reeluvv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"what God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine" oprah winfrey

Have you ever liked your friend who is in a relationship and looks like they are so in love so you lowkey want to move on but just as you are about to find another lover, they break up? Well if you haven’t you can read about it. “Drama” is written by raina telgmeir , the book is about … well drama, the book will have you hooked up to the point where you can’t stop reading.


Personally i loved the book because  it was amazing and great and the plot twists were amazing, me personally i don’t read books, but this one book really made me want to read more and more because of how crazy things got in literally every other page, it was definitely a wow moment for me and i would recommend it to anyone who is interested in drama or plot twists. 


Claire the main character in the book was amazing and unique she was really just a girl who focused on her classes and theater, she never really got into any trouble and would help people if they needed help or if they asked her, she is one of the nice girls who everybody likes she never really changed she just grew and became more mature

no matter what “boy problem” you have you shouldn’t change because of them or anyone in general, be you, and focus on what is going to reward you later in life, also never give up because of a little drama that just happened in your life, don’t become sad and depressed over little things

The author's comments:

i think i'm going to start reading more 


This article has 1 comment.

Luis Castro said...
on Feb. 7 2024 at 8:49 pm
Luis Castro, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not, there is no try"<br /> Yoda

This sounds like an amazing book. I'll add it to my list of must reads!