snitch by allison van diepen | Teen Ink

snitch by allison van diepen

January 29, 2024
By Anaromvn07 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Anaromvn07 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i like when money makes a diffrence but doesnt make you diffrent"-Drake

Snitch is a very relatable book  to most teenage students. it's most relatable especially to are used to seeing harsh realities in schools.Snitch is about a 16 year old girl who goes by julia, she has always been the type of girl to get straight A’s until one day she gets sent to the dean's office.She will never guess that who she found there would ruin her life completely.She met a guy that had a big secret from her that he's been keeping since the day they met.That secret almost cost julia her whole life.

Julia's boyfriend put her through a lot in this book .I love her character in my opinion.She's brave.She is also an overcoming risk taker.She's token so many risks in this book.She took a risk and almost/messing up her future.She ends up getting into fights and even joining a gang to prove something to her friends.Although she took a lot of wrong pathways she ended up doing good and leaving the city to start a brand new life with a fresh start.

This book has taught me and could teach you  to not let anyone change you from who you are to who they want you to be.As julia did do this you could see her bad outcome.The author most likely made this book for people living like us with a lot of violence around us.Even in places we would never think it would happen.Another thing it taught me would be to live your life how you want to and not follow in the footsteps of people around you.I can really relate to this as a lot of people my age are out partying and drinking and ruining their lives.I've tried my best to not make that my situation.But julia on the other hand let her community and people around her change her. She went to a highschool in New York somewhere.But that school had a lot of different gangs since it was in the middle of different territories.So id say if you're around it a lot you'll get used to it and curios on how they live their life and why.

As Julia went through high school she had this friend group of girls.And a guy that has been her friend for years.Most of the girls weren't in a gang.But one of them was.And it didn't go well for julia when she met a guy in the rival gang.Her guy friend cheddar was in the same gang as julia's boyfriend.So when julia said something confidential from her girl-friend to her boyfriend.Her girl- friend had no choice but to jump julia.And that day julia went into a coma.After that day she wanted protection.So she did what a lot of people in her situation would do.She joined a gang.Most of the girls in the group were scared of the other girl so they cut julia off.The only people that were there for her would be the girl in the gang her boyfriend and her guy best friend cheddar.

Allison van diepen made this book for audiences that live like julia.As julia wants a bright future.But is surrounded by the ¨darkness¨of her town.Her town is worse than most cities.LBHS is nothing compared to her school.But they have the same lifestyle in a way.There's people in gangs, relationships, and a lot of girl drama.So if you'd read a book about our community id read Snitch.

This book is an amazing book.It has a lot to do with violence and discipline.She took risks and decisions.She learned for those mistakes with discipline.As the end of the book shows how people are manipulative and that almost costed julia her life.Theres a crazy plot twist in the end as her boyfriend was never the person she thought he was.

The author's comments:

This book review is about the book SNITCH.It reccomend it to people who live in areas were your around violence as the trenches our the ¨streets¨.


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