The Making of McDonald's: Grinding it out | Teen Ink

The Making of McDonald's: Grinding it out

August 24, 2023
By Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

McDonald’s. This is the biggest fast food and restaurant chain in the world, and everyone has probably tried it once in their lives. But have you ever wondered what was the history behind that yellow “M” when you take a bite out of the delicious burger? I have, and that’s why reading this amazing masterpiece Grinding it Out was exceptionally fascinating and exciting. The best thing about this book is that it is an autobiography by Ray Kroc. And what can be better than hearing the story from the founder himself?

The book takes us on a journey through Kroc's early life, from his humble beginnings in the foodservice industry to the pivotal moment that changed his destiny forever – his encounter with the McDonald brothers and their revolutionary fast-food system. However, prior to that, Ray Kroc had to go through probably the toughest time of his life. After going through struggles and countless part time jobs, he couldn’t make any money. Then, Ray Kroc discovered a new business idea called the multimixers. The milkshake making machine would lead Ray to meet the McDonald’s brothers. However, the initial failures of this business made Ray’s wife leave him because she lost her last bit of hope in her husband. For the reader, I would say that this part of the book is the most emotional as he can really see how being at the bottom of his career, Ray Kroc would start to show his true colors. And then we get to know why the book is titled the way it is.

Grinding it Out was selected as a title since Ray Kroc really had to grind in order to keep his life going. The most vital component was that he never lost hope and never gave up on himself and his ideas on this tough journey. Ray never stopped being curious and open to explore. He never thought about staying where he was. Going further and making more money was always his choice to go with. And that is an important lesson that we should learn as readers because this curiosity and courage led not only to meeting the business idea named McDonald’s that would become his life, but also it led through the expansion of this business. The message of this book is that we have to grind too to achieve our goals.

What I like about this novel is the endless amount of personal anecdotes and stories from the man himself. It feels like we are right next to him at that moment and he is unveiling a huge secret to us that no one else knows. This autobiography is uniquely personal and close to us. Ray Kroc’s writing style is surprisingly straightforward and genuine which makes up for the lack of literary devices in some places.

In conclusion, Grinding it Out provides readers with an honest and clear look into the life of a guy who changed the fast-food industry and made an enduring impact on corporate history. Ray Kroc's rise from obscurity to success around the world is an inspiring example of the strength of tenacity, willpower, and the unrelenting pursuit of a dream. The book may not be a literary masterpiece, but its value rests in the variety of life lessons it gives us and the inspiration it offers to those prepared to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals.


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