The Inner Game of Tennis | Teen Ink

The Inner Game of Tennis

August 9, 2023
By Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
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         I feel like every book we read has a story as to how it was chosen and reached us. And with The Inner Game of Tennis it’s no different. However, I have to point out that with this book, the story for me was unique. The person who recommended this book to me was my high school basketball coach. When I heard the word “tennis,” I broke out in laughter saying that I never held a tennis racket in my life. Somehow, he still convinced me saying, “It’s not about tennis, it’s about the inner game.” I can surely say now, after finishing this masterpiece, that I don’t regret it for a second because its message goes far beyond the tennis court.

         The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallwey is an astonishing book that explores the mental aspects of not only tennis, but life itself. Even though the subject of the book revolves around tennis, any athlete or person can find this book extremely useful as it discovers the principles of overcoming inner obstacles and reaching full potential and peak performance.

         The main concept of this book is the dual nature of the human mind. From the beginning, Gallwey introduces us to the terms such as “Self 1” and “Self 2”. Throughout the pages, the author constantly tries to encourage the readers to quiet the commanding Self 1 and trust the natural abilities of Self 2. Throughout the book, various practical exercises and psychological techniques are offered to achieve this peak state by overcoming self-doubt and the fear of failure. The author builds reliability and trust with his readers by offering personal stories, anecdotes, and results, which ensures that the methods provided are useful.

         The most powerful aspect of this book, in my opinion, is its relation to real-life problems and situations. While the context is tennis, every technique and principle can be applied to any field where peak performance is needed, and I have experienced that myself. While I am a basketball and soccer player, which may seem to have nothing to do with tennis, I still was able to relate to every single issue discovered by the author such as fear and lack of concentration and focus. Moreover, the book is structured in a unique way that allows the reader to reflect and explore themselves right there while flipping the page, making it extremely interactive. I personally thought for a second that Gallwey was able to read my mind! Almost every thought he describes that a player might have during a certain situation, I’ve experienced. He even wrote down exactly how I talk to myself and my inner thoughts when I practice and compete!

         In conclusion, I can say that this book is the most valuable 170 pages of my life because it truly opened up my mind and perspective on things, and I truly believe that this book will help me and any other athlete to reach their full potential if used right. Even though this book was written in 1974, Gallwey’s teachings are as relevant today as they were back in the day. While the name of the book might not attract many readers, trust me, it goes far beyond its title. Whether you are a tennis player, an athlete in another sport, or simply anyone seeking inner greatness, this book is an invaluable resource.


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