The Kite Runner Book Review | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner Book Review

July 3, 2023
By LucyYang BRONZE, San Jose, California
LucyYang BRONZE, San Jose, California
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Khaled Hosseini's iconic novel The Kite Runner is an epic tale about friendship, courage, and betrayal. The novel chronicles Amir's turbulent life while trying to repair their troubled company.

This book opens with Amir looking back to the memory of fleeing Afghanistan for America with his father but quickly thinking back to his childhood in Kabul, where we see his close bond with Hassan (son of Ali, the housekeeper). They would spend most of their free time flying kites together - a prevalent Afghan pastime - before suffering an emotional tragedy that leads to Amir behaving cowardly, guilt which drives Amir's actions for much of this book.

After Russia invades Afghanistan, Amir must embark upon a quest for redemption in Kabul. Amir must confront personal ghosts from his past while facing up to the consequences of betrayals committed against Hassan and Sohrab by Afghani rebels; Amir then helps these two escape from atrocities committed against them while helping restore friendship between himself and Hassan's son, bringing closure for this story of redemption.

Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner is genuinely remarkable. His vivid portrayal of Afghanistan and its people makes for an authentic reading experience, while Amir and Hassan are memorable characters offering insight into their troubles.

The Kite Runner provides something for readers of all ages; young people will love its adventure and drama of kite flying tournament, while adults are drawn into its complex tale of redemption and moral courage. There are unforgettable scenes such as Amir betraying Hassan at their kite flying tournament; the market scene; Assef being stoned into submission as the violent rapist is stoned - these moments remind readers about courage and its costs, heartbreaking yet profound reminders.

This emotionally riveting novel explores themes of loyalty and betrayal, love and loss, and family bonds and their power. With simple but emotive language that resonates deeply, this read offers empowerment to both teenagers and adults alike while at the same time informing readers about Afghanistan's cultural traditions before and after the Soviet invasion.

The Kite Runner is an epic tale of lost innocence and found redemption, featuring powerful emotions and riveting drama - something any reader can truly appreciate in this captivating novel.

The author's comments:

I wrote a book review about The Kite Runner, which is essential because this story by Khaled Hosseini deserves to be heard and understood by more people. With its engaging narrative and captivating plotline, readers around the globe have fallen under its spell and made this timeless novel their favourite read. The Kite Runner is an emotional and heart-rending tale which delves deep into themes such as family, friendship, loyalty, guilt, and redemption. I aim for readers of my story to comprehend better its characters and lives, including relationships and cultural references found within its pages while exploring various places and cultures meaningfully through my account. Through it all, they will also relate to personal growth, loss and redemption themes.

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