Crazy Rich Asians review | Teen Ink

Crazy Rich Asians review

June 2, 2023
By s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. you are your own voyeur -margaret atwood

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan is a wildly popular novel-made-movie for its depiction of the richest and most glamorous families. With the intricate drama and detailed descriptions of high life, this book is a highly entertaining read for all ages alike. 
Although the main characters of the book are old-money Nicholas Young and his girlfriend, Rachel, Crazy Rich Asians Switches between multiple perspectives to deliver a unique experience for the reader. Nick and Rachel travel from their cozy life in New York City for Nick’s friend’s wedding in Singapore, also allowing Rachel to meet the Young Family for the first time. What was meant to be a fun vacation and introduction to Nick’s family and friends becomes a dramatic affair as Rachel meets people who grew up with millions under their roofs. 
With all of the cultural foods and colloquial sayings embedded in the chapters, this book is both educational and comical. It is a deviation from a standard satirical romance with the intertwining of rich culture and language. Overall, Crazy Rich Asians deserves all of the high reviews and praise. 


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