Chocolate War | Teen Ink

Chocolate War

May 5, 2023
By 4gilroy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4gilroy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was initially interested in this book because, in my freshman year of high school, we had a choice novel unit. One of my friends read this book and recommended it to me because he said it combined a unique writing style that I’d enjoy along with the aspect of sports.  I remembered his recommendation and picked up the book a month ago.  Having read it now, I understand why they recommended it to me. 

I have enjoyed reading this book, The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier because it combines sports and the way he writes as if he is almost talking to us readers.  The story is about a high school football player who doesn’t want to sell chocolates for their team fundraising and he has to be able to stand up for himself and fight for himself when no one is behind him.  The sports aspect of this book keeps me looped into it but the way he speaks to us readers and how everything has unfolded so far is what keeps me wanting to read.  For example, in chapter nine the main character, Jerry remembers back to his mother's illness, which eventually took her life, which motivates him in a way to do something because he wants to follow in her footsteps being a determined and hard worker.  That’s the biggest part of the book that stood out to me so far because of my connection, looking up to my mom because of how hard of a worker she is and how determined she is, my mom is still alive but the role model that she has played has helped me become who I am which we can see in Jerry.


This book has also retaught me some life lessons because not everything is given to you and not everyone is there with open arms sometimes you have to find ways to get up the river by rowing against the current to get to where you want to go by standing up for what you want even when everyone is against you like the current.  This retaught me a valuable lesson because you want something other people always won’t and that can make them turn on you quickly.  This is shown throughout the book because Jerry is having to stand up for himself with no one that has his back because as we see it as readers the whole football team is betting against him because he won’t sell his chocolates.  That leads to the idea of the book as Jerry doesn’t want to sell the chocolates that were forced upon him for fundraising when he voices his opinion and has everyone turn on him.  He had to stand up for himself and keep his morals strong, then eventually had to fight someone to stand up for himself.

Overall I recommend this book to everyone because it teaches you valuable lessons that can be applied to life on anyone and anything even if they aren’t in sports or don’t relate to this book at all.  It has a combination of strong word choice, the story of finding ways to go against the current and make it up the river like trying to fight for yourself when everyone’s against you, and if interested the aspect of sports in it.


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