Spring Fever Review | Teen Ink

Spring Fever Review

May 3, 2023
By Anonymous

Mary Kay Andrews has grown to become one of my favorite authors. I recently started reading books for enjoyment outside of school and she has helped me become a much more frequent reader. Her books have helped me discover the genres I enjoy and get me excited about reading them. 

One such book, Spring Fever follows the lives of Annajane Hudgens and Mason Bayless. They live in small town Pascoe, North Carolina and the town is centered around the popular soft drink company Quixie. Annajane and Mason have to manage a professional work relationship while keeping the drama of their personal lives out of it. 

The plot includes a love story, the business, family drama, and plenty of unexpected turns. It was a very engaging read because I could never guess what was going to come next. This book was even better than a normal romance because it expands more on their entire lives rather than just their relationship. Word and gossip spread fast in a town like Pascoe and the small town drama and secrets will keep you entertained the whole time. 

The characters are very thoughtfully developed and relatable. Annajane grew up poorer than most of the people in Pascoe. She worked hard and had a good head for business and she worked her way up Quixie and was able to make a good living for herself. Some people like Mason’s mother, Sallie Bayless don't believe in Annajane and that she can save the company. Sallie also will never believe that Annajane is good enough for her son Mason. Annajane doesn’t let people push her around, she knows who she is and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. 

I strongly recommend this book, especially to someone who enjoys reading romance novels. The book was very easy to follow and never had a dull moment. I felt a connection to the characters and genuinely was interested to learn how their lives would turn out. Next time you're looking for a light but exciting read, Spring Fever or any of Mary Kay Andrews books would be a great choice. 

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