The Taking of Jake Livingstone. | Teen Ink

The Taking of Jake Livingstone.

January 25, 2023
By AKidWithGlasses SILVER, Sacramento, California
AKidWithGlasses SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Being bad at something are the first few steps of being good at something"<br /> -Jake the Dog, from adventure time.

The taking of Jake Livingstone by Ryan Douglass

We all go through many difficult situations. We all react differently to them. In The Taking of Jake Livingstone, we have a protagonist that has endured many hardships and unfair situations. But there's a twist. Our protagonist, Jake, can see ghosts. The story also switches perspectives. Ryan Douglass does a great job of describing the entities and environment our characters cross paths with. I’d recommend this book to those whose imagination can create a picture with just words

Jake Livingstone is an african american boy who attends a high school that has an overwhelmingly high amount of white people. He is one of the many few black people who attends the school. Not only does he stick out like a sore thumb due to lack of diversity, and having the not-so great experience of racist teachers, but he has to deal with the fact that he can see ghouls and otherworldly entities. Jake has a hard time fitting in with most of his classmates, having only a few friends to hang out with. He investigates many ghoul related incidents, and is later possessed by the ghost of a former student

Doon Sawyer is our new perspective in the second half of the story. He is a caucasian boy that doesn’t have the best history. Sawyer murdered 6 other students, before ending his own life. He became a malicious ghost who would later possess our first perspective. Jake. 

Our first protagonist has to push through and manage supernatural antagonists and everyday racism. But he doesn’t let those hold him back from living a normal life like everyone else. He pushes through the toughest difficulties, like being possessed, and even gets into a relationship at the end. 

 I heavily recommend this book to those whose imagination can run wild. Ryans Douglass’s ability to describe his characters and environment can really push an image into your mind. Anyone dealing with tough times should read this book because like our first protagonist, he always gets through a difficult situation.

The author's comments:

The Taking of Jake Livingstone has some great ways of describing its environment and inhabitants. The main protagonist gets through his problems and inspired me to right a review dealing with said problems.


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