A Thousand times over | Teen Ink

A Thousand times over

January 20, 2023
By Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
9 articles 11 photos 0 comments

"Amir and Hassan: Kabul's Sultans." This is the oath they have taken before the pomegranate. It describes the friendship between master and servant. Hassan is quite devoted to Amir. He would rather eat dirt than disobey Amir's instructions. Hassan thought that they were buddies despite Assef's skepticism. And he said it with composure. He offered to fly a kite for Amir. He and Amir would defend themselves with a slingshot. He can perform any task for Amir. As he often states, "a thousand times over ." He is more courageous and intelligent than Amir.

Amir, the agha, appears to be somewhat cowardly and self-centered. He, like every ordinary person, has both merits and flaws. When he lacked the confidence to enter the fray, he decided to avoid it. That made him regret it. And this prompted him to make another error of judgment: he expelled Hassan from his home. He endured guilt for over twenty years. So, when Assef defeated him, he laughed. His entire body was shattered. However, he felt cured. Finally cured This made him roar with laughter. He no longer felt as remorseful.

As a Hazara, Hassan is regularly humiliated. Their failed friendship may have had anything to do with class awareness. Hassan is inferior due of his Hazaras ethnicity. Most people see him with contempt. So he cherishes his friendship with Amir tremendously. It is Amir's shame that brings disaster to this connection. I believe that the only thing left for me to do is to value the time I spend with my family and friends on a daily basis. Enjoy life to its fullest in their company.

The author's comments:

The most beautiful friendship is "for you,a thousand times over." It's from the Kite Runner ,written by Khaled Hosseini.This book describes a very moving friendship.It makes me cherish the people around me more.

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