IT ENDS WITH US review written by COLLEEN HOOVER | Teen Ink


December 13, 2022
By 3marino BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3marino BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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It Ends with Us is the book that I chose to review. Even 

though Colleen Hoover has began to be considered 

basic amongst teen girls because of her recent trending on 

most GEN-Z social media platforms, she definitely deserves

the uprise of readers and recognition.

 This novel is the first book written by Colleen Hoover

that I have ever read, and I can confidently say it is one of 

my new favorites. This book is perfect for young women who 

are just coming out of a relationship or beginning an

independent lifestyle because of the female protagonist in 

this story, Lily Bloom. 

Lily Bloom is a strong, independent woman who young

girls should definitely look up to. Coming from an abusive 

family background, Lily took the past into consideration 

consistently with her decisions of the future and her view 

of situations. However, she never let the past dictate her 

future. She has always had drive, dreams and ambitions and

she doesn’t let anything get in the way. 

Even before picking up this book, I knew it was going 

to be a heavy read. This is because of its mentions of sexual

 assault and domestic violence. Of course this book made me 

sad, but it made me feel so many other emotions; stressed, happy, relieved, angry, etc. It is the perfect mix of romantic and realistic writing. There were multiple times where I had to put the book down just to absorb everything that was happening. Due to many of the heavy topics in this book, so many of my formerly held opinions were changed, especially my perspective towards victims of domestic violence. For example, why are we so quick to question why the victim did not leave the relationship, instead of blaming the abuser? That just goes to show how important it is to talk about topics like this in novels. Not many books cover controversial topics such as these, which is even more of a reason to read it. Everyone should get a glimpse of this book, not only to learn about these topics but to spread awareness. By writing this book, Colleen Hoover has become a voice of representation for real victims who deal with this everyday.  

Overall, this book changed my life and I am so glad I got to experience it. I would recommend it to anyone going through a hard time or just wanting a good binge read. While I was reading it, I finished it within 2 days because I could not put it down. There’s a sequel to this book that came out recently, It Starts with Us, and I am in the process of reading that as well.

The author's comments:

My name is Isabella Marino and I am a senior at Arrowhead HS


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