When Life Gives You Lululemons | Teen Ink

When Life Gives You Lululemons

December 1, 2022
By writer3074 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
writer3074 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Based on the movie  A Devil Wears Prada, the story When Life Gives You Lululemons shows a captivating story line on how one little slip up can get you from hot to not or the other way around.  I’m definitely not the type of person that will just randomly pick up a book in my free time - when I read I have to find a book that will captivate my attention the entire book or I will forget about it.  Unlike most books, I was able to pick up and read the entire thing.  When Life Gives You Lululemons is the type of book to read if you like a drama/comedy.

Although the book is based on making money and living the “good life”, there are lessons learned in the book. One being, money doesn’t buy you happiness.  

Taking place in Greenwich, Connecticut where everyone has life perfectly made. Parties every weekend in the most expensive houses in the area.  Emily Charlton is the main character and is a working woman that recently started losing clients and is in desperate need of a big opportunity to come her way.  Emily seeks this opportunity once hearing about the famous Karolina Hartwell getting arrested for carrying an open bottle of champagne in her car.

Overall, I enjoyed this book because it gave me a reality of what living the “rich and famous” lifestyle was like, but sometimes the characters got a little annoying.  I also liked this book because of how realistic it is.  The book relates to how some celebrities can easily go down for such a small thing, or even become famous for something little.

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