The Godfather | Teen Ink

The Godfather

December 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Watching the movie has been on my bucket list for a while now but I felt like if I read the book first it would help me with understanding what is happening in the movie. The book is set in New York in the 1940s in Don Colrleons (The Godfather) dark office before his daughters’ (Talia) wedding. The dark office gives you that creepy and mafia type vibe which gets you into the book.

I really enjoy the crime and the betrayal in the book. Mario Puzo laid out a winner for our lifetime that displayed the inner workings, and how the bloodthirstiness of the Five Family syndicate of organized crime in NYC back in the day. The Godfather and his kids find the collusion that is happening with the four other mafia groups. The Corleone family is the highest and the strongest mafia group. Don Corleone is the boss, Sonny is the eldest son and is impatient, impulsive, and eager to resort to violence to settle a disagreement. Fredo is the second youngest son and is timid, frequently weak-willed person who lacks Michael's brilliance and Sonny's ruthlessness. Michaell is the youngest male in the family and also the smartest out of all the kids, but he doesn’t have passion for the family business. Michael is the perfect choice to succeed Vito as Don since he possesses his father's intelligence, composure, and quiet ruthlessness. Finally, Connie is the youngest and as a woman, she has no role to play in the Corleone Family’s deeply patriarchal criminal enterprise.

The Godfather uses justice throughout the book. Corleone Family does deliver justice in situations. In response to Bonasero's emergency, Don Corleone sent two troops to punish the boys who assaulted Bonasero's daughter. This shows justice by how the boys humiliated the girl and Don inflicted the same humiliation to the two boys. In the end of it all I really enjoyed this book, it had me thinking and had me at the edge of my seat.

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