Romeo and Juliet: A news report | Teen Ink

Romeo and Juliet: A news report

November 29, 2022
By Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
31 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

Hello again! This is Shakespearean news!

Today we got our hands on a very deathly case. A Montague is now in the hands of death, next to him is the daughter of Lady Capulet, Juliet, she too is dead. But that is no surprise! Yesterday, Juliet was presumed dead minutes before her marriage to her betrothed, Paris. Yet today we find herself stabbed, and police suspect that she had killed herself. But how could she trick death? Going back hundreds of years ago, the Montagues and Capulets were at war. Day and night they bite their thumbs at each other and call each other foul words of blasphemy thoughts and hate. For example, a few yonder weeks ago Mercutio was severely killed by the cousin of Juliet, Tybalt. This man Tybalt is infamously known as the ‘sly cat of Capulet’ and the citizens were pleased to hear that he was killed by the hands of Romeo, the Montague’s child who is now dead. Romeo was then banished out of Verona by the Prince. Though some may mourn of these deaths, the citizens of Fair Verona are over the moon, as they have just got the news —live from Shakespearean news—that this centurion of battle has been finally demolished. This long-awaited date is caused by, once again, the deaths of Montague’s son Romeo and his newly wed Juliet. The friar Laurence, a father of sorts to Romeo, helped the police to clear up this case covered in mystery and confusion. It seems that the two at the hands of death had just been secretly married so as not to be banished and hated by their families. They met each other only four days ago, but it seems like years, since they were so close, say The Friar. As Romeo was banished for killing Tybalt, his wife’s cousin, the friar helped them hatch a devious plan in which Juliet was to drink a potion that would make her look as if she was dead minutes before her wedding with her betrothed, Paris. Now, carried in a tomb, she would wait, unconscious, till Romeo was supposed to take her out and run away with her to freedom. Of course, as you can see, something has certainly gone wrong here. The message sent to Romeo was wrong, he must have got the message that his wife was dead, ran down here, and killed himself by his Juliet. Juliet, waking up, moaned in misery when she saw what happened, and stabbed herself too, so that their souls would be united once more. The police were shocked at the determination of Friar Laurence, as he is known to be a good, kind man of great wisdom and virtue. No, he was not planning for true deaths and murder, but rather, for peace. ‘I thought their marriage would be unite the two families and bring peace. ’In fact, it has, but not through marriage, but death. Still the Montague and Capulets are now at peace, with a few sacrifices, this battle has ended. All is fair in love and war.

Signing out, from Shakespearean news,

Mark Anthony.

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