Book Review of the Eleventh Plague | Teen Ink

Book Review of the Eleventh Plague

November 17, 2022
By oliviamunker BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
oliviamunker BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Eleventh Plague is a book by Jeff Hirsch, about a teenage boy named Stephen who travels America with his dad scavenging for useful scraps to trade and sell. He and his dad are some of the last survivors due to a war that was started because of a deadly plague called P-11. P-11 is a plague that wiped out most of the world's population. Eventually, while traveling, Stephen's father gets seriously injured and falls into a coma, he finds himself on his own, since his grandpa recently died and his mom passed years before. Eventually, Stephen comes across a town called Settler’s Landing. At first, it seems like a dream too good to be true, but it turns out Settler’s Landing is a town full of backstabbers and manipulators who only think for themselves. This leaves Stephen wondering what life he wants to live, to be in civilization or to live the life his dad and grandfather would have wanted him to live 

  I think that this book is an overall good book. I liked this book because it was more fast-paced and it didn’t take long to get to the point of the main story. I like the way Hirsch wrote this book, he made sure that it was descriptive about the characters and the surroundings in the story. I liked how he also made sure that you knew about the characters and that they weren't all just strangers. This story had many different conflicts which also kept the reader hooked. It left me on the edge of my seat, not wanting to put it down. Overall, I think that this book is very interesting if you're looking for a sci-fi novel that will keep hooking you.


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