This is How You Lose the Time War Review | Teen Ink

This is How You Lose the Time War Review

May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Right  after I started reading This is How You Lose the Time War, I knew this would not be a normal book I am used to reading. I knew that this was going to be a fast-paced, confusing novel. I was instantly thrown into the future.I was amongst the many characters on multiple different planets. 

The Story takes place on multiple planets where it ends up being a Romeo and Julliette story, Written from the perspective of two characters who are of opposing civilizations and in love. Each chapter is from the point of view of one of them and switches each time. At the end of each paragraph, they write a letter to the other giving them an update while also asking questions. This progresses as both societies continue to be at odds. 

It is no surprise how unique this book is. Published in 2019 and Written by both Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, These two put their heads together to create a book for an audience that enjoys dystopian novels and dissecting the true meaning and complicated setups that are in the book. 

However—I am not that person. 

Switching characters each chapter definitely threw me off. I was continuously having to remind myself which character was supposed to be narrating this chapter. 

On Top of this, the hidden deeper meanings that have to be deciphered in basically every sentence started to get old. For example the many confusing metaphors, personification and allusions. This got both confusing and boring real quick.

Lastly, I found the letters at the end of each chapter a bit odd. All of these reasons resulted in it feeling like there was too much work to be done by the reader, rather than sit back and enjoy the book. 


Therefore, for me personally, This is How You Lose the Time War was not the right book. Nevertheless, I can definitely understand how if someone is into that type of dystopian genre where they have to dissect everything the author is saying, would like it. 

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This is a book review for How You Lose the Time War.

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