The Fifth Vital: A Book That Changed My Life | Teen Ink

The Fifth Vital: A Book That Changed My Life

April 27, 2022
By Nikolafdj BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Nikolafdj BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
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A book that made a difference in my life was written by someone who you would usually not expect to write a good book. But this in no way changed the meaning of the story, it even accentuated it. The Fifth Vital by Mike Majlak is a book that has taught me many lessons. Mike Majlak is currently a famous YouTuber, podcast host, and successful entrepreneur, but he hasn't always been, which is what the book is based on. In his younger days he had a serious drug addiction, which almost took his life many times, in various ways. Some would have considered him a lost cause, but unlike many of his friends who couldn't make it through the physical and mental effects of withdrawal, he was able to find a way out of the life that he was living. He surpassed so many challenges that some would think are impossible, which is why his story is packed with lessons. These lessons impacted my life positively in many ways, possibly even changing it.

I’ve always heard “don't do drugs” and “drugs are bad,” but no one explains why. This book taught twelve-year-old me that what parents, teachers, and preachers are always saying, isn't for insignificant reasons. It showed me the damage addiction can do to your body, like constantly bloody, damaged nostrils, excruciating pain which you need to push through in order to ever stop, and lifelong addiction issues, essentially never allowing you to live life the best way that you can. After I read about this there is no chance that I will even experiment with this stuff, because I see what it can do to one's life and the pain and suffering it causes for you and everyone around you. 

After he surpassed his main issue of drug addiction, Majlak didn't just settle where he was. He became the social media manager for a furniture company called LoveSac, known for their massive pillows. During his time at the company, he innovated the field of social media for businesses. One thing led to another, and he was hired to “babysit” a famous YouTuber, Logan Paul, who was always getting himself into trouble. Over time, Majlak and Paul became best friends and created a podcast together. He also began his own YouTube channel, mainly in the realm of vlogs, which has become quite successful as well. All of this is to show how perseverance can bring you wherever you want to go, especially when you have a goal in mind, and the correct mindset.

Throughout his whole journey, Majlak’s mind was set on success. Through the excruciating pain of addiction and the hellish experiences he endured, success was on his mind, but he knew it wouldn't be easy. He was ready to sacrifice fun in the present for fun in the future. Without that kind of mindset, he would have been too weak to overcome his addiction and go on with his life in a healthy way. This showed me how with a simple change of your mindset, you can change your life. 

The Fifth Vital was an important book for me. It taught me the danger of drugs, the significance of perseverance, and the difference a change in mindset can make. On top of that, it was written in an entertaining way that engaged me for the mere three days it took me to finish it. This book is the reason I now enjoy reading because it taught me how entertaining a book can be if you find the right one. The Fifth Vital changed my life for the better. 

The author's comments:

My name is Nikola. I am a 9th grader in New York, who enjoys writing. I started this essay as a simple writing prompt for practice, but it became more than just that. At the time that I read this it was just a good book, but looking back on it I see the changes it made to my life, as read in the article. I wanted to share these lessons to others, so they can hear them in a more condensed way, as well as recommend a great book to them. Though it isn't the hardest book, the impactful story has no age limit.


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