As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti | Teen Ink

As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti

February 24, 2022
By averyrustad SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
averyrustad SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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When I first started reading the book,  As You Wish, it was a little confusing. I stuck with it though, and about halfway through I started to like it. I started to connect the dots, learn about the characters, and become more interested in wishing, and the wish process. This book has taught me a lot about making tough choices and decisions. As You Wish, by Chelsea Sedoti is a fantastic book. 

One of the main reasons I like this book is because it has a lot of details about the characters and the setting. Throughout the book, I started to feel like I knew the characters personally. I really enjoyed that the characters in As You Wish had unique names that I have never heard of before. The five main characters' names are Eldon, Fletcher, Norie, Merrill, and Juniper. I also got to learn a lot about the town of Madison, which is where the story takes place. I got to learn about Madison's history, the past and present mayor of the town, and all of its specific rules. 

In As You Wish, every citizen of Madison gets to make a wish in a wish cave on their 18th birthday. The town of Madison takes wishing very seriously; therefore lots of rules must be followed. For example, they cannot make a wish that would impact the world, no wishing for more wishes, and never let an outsider find out about wishing. Another thing that they have to do before they wish is: they have to tell the mayor of Madison what their wish is going to be. He has to approve their wish and make sure that it will be successful. He helps them plan out exactly what they are going to say when they’re in the wish cave, to make sure that it will come true how they want it to. 

The main character, Eldon, has no idea what he is going to wish for, or if he is even going to wish at all. He struggles to decide if he is going to wish for money, which is what his family wants him to wish for. Or if he is going to come up with his own wish. During his whole childhood, Eldon just assumed that he would wish for what his mom wanted; which was money. Later in the book he finds out that choosing her wish might not be what he wants to do. Throughout the book, he learns more about himself and eventually finds something to wish for.

I think this is a really good book because of the suspense. I wanted to keep reading to find out what Eldon ends up wishing for. Also, the chapters are labeled as a countdown to his wish day, which increases the suspense. In addition, I like that this book has a lot of little stories about other people's wishes inside the big story of Eldon’s wish. Hearing these stories helped Eldon decide what he wanted to wish for. The final reason I like this book is that the ending was perfect. 

In conclusion, As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti is a very good book. I like it because of the suspense, the little stories throughout the book, and the good ending. It was a really well written book and it was hard to put down once I got into it. So if you ever think that you might want to stop reading a book, remember how this book changed for me. Overall I would recommend this book.


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