Teen Titans: Raven | Teen Ink

Teen Titans: Raven

January 27, 2022
By BluesCluesLover1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
BluesCluesLover1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered if books actually teach you anything? Or have you ever learned something from a book that you didn’t know you learned?

Teen Titans Raven is a great book, because it’s a book that can teach us about who we are and can be read by almost everyone. It's a graphic novel written by Kami Garcia in 2019. Teen titans raven is a good book because it can symbolize the Identity crisis some people go through, which can maybe connect with some of the audience of this book. It can teach us more about ourselves and our society. 


This book is about a teenage girl named Raven who was in a car crash with her mother, and unfortunately lost her, and some parts of her memory. Due to losing her mother she moves in with the moms sister and her foster sister who she has a strong bond with. Raven was a half demon being which led her to not be like normal girls at her school. For Example, Raven would try to fit in but the demon in her head would cause her to question herself and make her look out of place. 

During the whole book, Raven is always questioning herself and is always looking for answers along with her sister who is trying to help her. Around the middle and the end is where shocking secrets are discovered, which makes the main character Raven and her sister dig deeper into this mystery they are trying to figure out. 


I would recommend this book to people who are going through some tough times in their life or have been through some sort of Identity crisis and even people who have parent issues. The reason why I would recommend this book to those certain people is because the main character Raven has been through all that. Raven is reimagined as an amnesiac high school student trying to regain her past, grieve the mother she can't remember and find love and acceptance in her new life. That's not easy, especially when your demon father is trying to control you and ruin your life. The message that Kami Garcia was trying to give in this book is finding the strength to face who you are and learning to trust others and yourself.

You should read this book, because it can help you understand what other people can go through. And what to do to help them. This book can actually teach you something that you didn't know before you like self respect, Responsibility, Respecting others and even empathy. 

The author's comments:

Its a visually stunning masterpiece!

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