Twilight : New Moon | Teen Ink

Twilight : New Moon

January 27, 2022
By almaaazavalaa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
almaaazavalaa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“ te quiero tanto. ” - Kevin Kaarl

“Bella , I don't want you to come with me.”---  “I promise that this will be the last time you’ll see me. I won’t come back. I won’t put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I’d never existed.”

The second book of the Twilight Saga. Twilight : New Moon , Bella , who is the main character , is told devastating news , her boyfriend , her first everything is leaving her. Edward having to leave unwillingly must leave behind the love of his life. Twilight : New Moon is set in Forks , Washington State. Bella being the main character is going through a depressive episode after being told news that Edward , her Vampire boyfriend has to leave her and skip town. The day he leaves her she is told in the same spot where Edward tells her what he really is. She doesn't talk to anybody in 4 months and is overall disassociated with the entire world and has no idea of her surroundings. She has recurring nightmares every night for 4 months straight. Edward leaving has made her subconscious mind create a nightmare that would torment her. She cannot bear being apart from the love of her life.

After 4 months of not talking to anyone and just be plain disassociated with the world Charlie ( Bella’s Dad ) , puts an end to it he explains to her in a passive aggressive way that he’s tired of seeing her in a unconscious state of mind and doesn't want to see her moping around anymore. He threatens to send her back to Jacksonville which is where she used to live with her Mom. She apologizes and assures him that she’s going to make plans with friends instead of sitting in the same chair like she did for 4 months straight. Eventually she starts getting close to one of her childhood friends that she made in Forks when she was little. Jacob Black. They both start getting incredibly close. They do everything together. Jacob makes Bella feel normal again. He’s the only person that helps her take her mind off of Edward. He is the only person that understands her. She invites him to the movies with one of her school friends , Mike. They leave early because Mike starts to feel nauseous. They drop off Mike after he completely projectile pukes everywhere in the Movie Theater bathrooms. That very same night Jacob starts to feel ill. After that night he ghosts Bella completely. He avoids her at all costs. Bella is hurt because of the way he starts acting towards her , so she decides to confront him about it. She drives over to his house where she camps out to see what he’s been up to see’s an entirely different change in his appearance. The long haired Jacob she knew was no more. He cut his hair , he grew even taller than he was , he was even more muscular than he was before. She confronts him and they argue. He denies that nothing is wrong with him. Little does Bella know that Jacob is keeping an insanely unbelievable secret from her.

I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who has read the previous book. The whole Twilight saga is just incredibly written. I personally thought that the book was phenomenal. The 

way that the author writes the way the characters feel within the dialogue just makes you understand even more how the characters are feeling. An example I can give of this is “ Well , that changes things.  I was surprised by how calm and reasonable my voice sounded. It must be because I was so numb. I couldn’t realize what he was telling me. ” The whole plot of the book is that Bella is turning 18 , she feels as if she’s starting to get old. She’s only a year older than the age that Edward died at. She ends up getting injured at her birthday party which leads to one of the vampires attempting to go at her. After that all goes downhill and Edward feels as if he and his entire family are a danger to her. Thus why he leaves forks. Although the book has no message and has no deep meaning to it , it really is a good book. The dialogue in the book is phenomenal. The way the entire book is formatted is just amazing. I would recommend this book for romance lovers. This book has so many elements of genres ; Romance , Drama , and Action. I personally love this book and although I'm not done reading , I would still recommend it.The whole theme of this book is Love , Loyalty , Friendships , and Isolation. The most interesting character in the book has to 100% be Jacob , after everything he’s seen in his life and the big secret he has he truly has the most interesting backstory in the book. The whole tribe he’s in and the rules they follow truly makes him unique.

Ultimately this book is about relationships issues with a mix of syfy , it's a really good book and I think that anyone would at least somewhat enjoy this book.

The author's comments:

Im 15 years old. Im from Sacramento , CA.

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Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 10 2022 at 7:36 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Very, very well written!!!Enjoyed reading this review!!!