How to Write Poetry | Teen Ink

How to Write Poetry

June 7, 2021
By Anonymous

My book How to write Poetry by Christopher Salerno and Kelsea Habecker was a very good book for me. This book taught me many things about writing and how to become a better writer. I was given prompts throughout the book on different topics to help me understand the topics better. Some of those topics were: Rhyme, Imagery, Metaphors, and Similes. These are a few of the topics that I really liked. Also, these topics were used in our Creative writing class this semester. By responding to these prompts and writing about these topics I was able to grasp the concept a lot better.

I learned from this book many new ways to include some topics into my writing pieces. This will help me in the long run and even with my ARP paper which I will be writing next year. By including these people will understand my writing better because of my improvement with some of the topics like Imitation, Repetition, and the importance of first and last lines.

By adding these and the topics stated above I should be able to complete a better paper on the first draft. The prompts that were given to me to write about were very helpful; they let me go into detail and explain myself in what I’m writing. My favorite prompt was the prompt for origin. I got to write about a moment in my life I would never forget. I ended up writing about me becoming an older brother. This was very nice because I just put my feelings on paper. Going through that time was tough. I was only eight years old spending all my free time in the hospital with him. He was born 3 months early so he was in the NICU for 90 days. It was a very crazy 90 days for my family especially for my parents having to deal with me and sports as well as their child having over 10 surgeries throughout the 90 days. I tried to help as much as I could by making my own breakfast and getting rides to and from sports games and also listening the best I could to take off as much stress as I could on them. I was also at my cousins house a lot so my parents could be at the hospital. It was good bonding time for my cousin and I and also a good time for my parents to not have to worry about me. This book like I said has been very helpful to my writing techniques and will be very beneficial for me while writing college essays as well as my ARP paper next year.   

The author's comments:

I am 17 years old, and also a hockey team captain

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