The Tattooist of Auschwitz | Teen Ink

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

March 12, 2020
By gabrielafernstrom BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
gabrielafernstrom BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A book not only about love but also about war and trust. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.  An extraordinary book that's not only very suspenseful but also heartwarming.

    A book about a young man named Lale Sokolov, who meets the love of his life, Gita, at a place where he least expected to find love. Lale is the type of person that never gives up, he's not only fearless but bright-minded too. On the other hand, Gita is very different from Lale. Gita is fearful, secretive and an overthinker.  Lale was a tattooist at Auschwitz, the biggest concentration camp in Germany during World War 2. At the beginning of the book, Lale meets Gita and then his life is turned upside down, he does anything and everything to keep her safe and healthy. Lale always showed that there is something positive in every negative. He always changed the whole tone around when something terrible and frightening happened, helping everyone to believe in the end of the war. Throughout the story, Lale´s and Gita´s passionate love and devotion for each other help them throughout both of their lives. Lale and Gita both went through and saw stuff in Auchuwitz people shouldn't even go through nor see. But they both made it out and even had an amazing life after world war 2, like even having to raise an amazing son.

     A nice touch was the note that Gary Sokolov wrote, Lale’s and Gita's son. He explained how his childhood was and how his parents acted when he was younger. This made the book more heart-warming by knowing how great parents they both were, so expecting and so supportive of everything Gary did like sports and hobbies. 

    Morris did a wonderful and exquisite job putting her time into interviewing Lale for 3 years to get the best and beautifully typed novel.  Not only is it beautifully written it's also well put. With every detail you get deeper and deeper into the story, making it hard to stop reading. The fact that this is a true story makes it even more powerful with the words knowing that everything and every detail happened. 

    The Tattooist of Auschwitz is an excellent book. This book melted my heart with every word and page I read. I loved this book the more I read, it was hard to stop reading.   I truly recommend this book to teens or adults, who like suspense and romance books or even books about crime and war.

The author's comments:

This is a book review about one of the best books I've read.

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