Kit,s Wilderness | Teen Ink

Kit,s Wilderness

December 10, 2019
By annaR123 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
annaR123 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kit's Wilderness,  by David Almond, is a mystery and adventure story about a young boy who followed some friends out to the woods. He joined the club with  the other kids. They had adventures, and Kit found a boy in a mine shaft. Then Kit got lost, but found his way back to the village. Everybody was hoping the boys would be okay.


I really liked this book. The characters were very cool, funny, and crazy. Kit’s grandpa is really funny, cool, and nice. Grandpa can have a little  bit of a temper. The theme of this book is friendship, loyalty, and being courageous. I would recommend this book to anyone. David Almond is a good writer who draws in his audience by telling relatable  stories. 

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