The Last book in the Universe | Teen Ink

The Last book in the Universe

December 10, 2019
By LocoHazel BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
LocoHazel BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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The Last Book in the Universe is an exciting tale of an imaginative future.  It seems like a likely future, two different kinds of people, two different places; one perfect, the other horrible. The cause: a natural disaster. Spaz’s younger sister, Bean, had fallen ill, and Spaz wanted to travel to see her. A kind old man, Ryter, helped him and tagged along. But the latch boss, Billy Bizmo, told him he could not go. Spaz disobeyed him to travel to Bean. It took a lot of determination and bravery on Spaz and Ryter’s parts, to keep going and still have faith that Bean was still waiting for them. 

Overall, The Last Book in the Universe was a good book with lots of good conflicts and action. It was a traveling tale, so it had no specific setting, but that only made it more interesting. I wish there was more explanation about the earthquake and why it was so big. Philbrick did a wonderful job of describing every new place the characters came across. I would recommend this book to anyone who can imagine the best and the worst futures.  How much action and passion he added in every chapter wanted me to keep reading to find out if they get to Bean, or die trying.  


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