Counting by 7's | Teen Ink

Counting by 7's

December 10, 2019
By nickbearman BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
nickbearman BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine in the book Counting by 7s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, you are coming home from school and you see two police officers sitting in your driveway, and when you go up to them, you find out the worst news of your life: both of your parents are dead. All of a sudden, you are breaking down and thinking that it cannot be true. Your emotions rise higher than the sky, and you are thinking, Where am I going to live? Who is going to drive me places? Who is going to cook my food? That is the story of Willow in Counting by 7s.  

This story is written so well that sometimes I thought I was there, like Willow. Holly Goldberg Sloan wrote this book really well because she really showed a lot of detail in a certain area like when she went through the rough time when her parents died and she made me keep on reading even I had to stop. Holly Goldberg Sloan really expressed the point of the book in a spread-out format like one paragraph she is talking about her parents died and in the next paragraph she is still talking about it. I would recommend this book for someone who likes fiction and some action.


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