Cinder | Teen Ink


November 27, 2019
By cinder12 BRONZE, Grassy Lake, California
cinder12 BRONZE, Grassy Lake, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Imagine there was a cure, but finding it would cost you everything. It would completely ruin your life. What would you do? Cinder is a dystopian novel by Marissa Meyer. It is a twisted tale of Cinderella that takes place in New Beijing that includes lunars, cyborgs, and a lot more. I would recommend this book to everybody that loves reading books that are out of this world. 

Other characters in the book are Prince Kai, Iko, her step mother, her step sisters Penny and Peony, and the evil Queen Levana. Prince Kai loses his father because of the disease that was going around and has to take the lead for his city to have freedom from the Queen. Iko is the robot that Cinder can tell everything to. She also helps Cinder out at her workplace. Her step mother and Penny don’t like Cinder at all and find her worthless and would do anything to get her out of the house. Peony is also her step sister but she loves Cinder. Cinder and Peony do alot together until something happens to Peony. The evil Queen Levana hates shells and wants them all dead. She can trick people into liking her and can make herself look good. Only thing that can make her see who she truly is are mirrors and shells.

Cinder thinks she knows who she is throughout the whole book. Even though there might be more to it then she thinks. She doesnt know her life before 11. Is there something she should know about herself? This book teaches you a lot more than you think. It seems like an interesting thing that would never happen in real life. I thought it was a great book and didn't see the lesson in the book until we had to write about it. Then I noticed that you are supposed to see who you are and accept yourself for who you are. Cinder also is always kind to everyone even though they aren’t nice to her. There is sometimes that she acts up but there is a reason for that every time. Even though her stepmother is always mean to her, she handles it all so well. She doesn’t ask questions when she is told to do something she just goes and does it. When she is working at her shop and the bakery lady is mean to her she never yells back or does anything to get her on her bad side. When she works at the shop, she doesn’t even make people pay when she fixes something for them. 

I give this book a 4 star rating and would definitely recommend this book to my friends. This book teaches you lessons and shows you that no world can be perfect. It has action involved and has like no romance. Many people have recommended this book to me. Cinder also goes in between two characters that can get confusing. Other than it is amazing.

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