the house on mango street- bella prieto | Teen Ink

the house on mango street- bella prieto

July 22, 2019
By bellaaprieto BRONZE, Saugus, Santa Clarita, California
bellaaprieto BRONZE, Saugus, Santa Clarita, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Isabella and today I will be giving my own personal overview of the novel The House On Mango Street. As readers should know, the main character in this story is named Esperanza. Esperanza is a young girl, who is trying to portray herself as a bigger person then her parents and family. Esperanza wants to be able to achieve her own household, income, amd job as soon as possible before she reaches her adult ages. She lives in a small home, and poor neighborhood that she not only looks down on herself for but so do others. 

The story explains how she wants to be her own individual and do what she wants to do. Esperanza is quite the individual who likes to do things on her own, and be the bigger person. She knows herself, her family, and others struggle with income and she tries her best to help out her family but mainly tries to be left on her own. The story revolves around her and her story, and how she plans to help her siblings once she reaches her full potential to do what she wants to accomplish.

I believe it's important for young readers and even older individuals to read this short story to see what it takes to become a person you might want to become with hard work and dedication. Although this story is not based on racism, it is based off the mexican and or spanish heritage which gives you more of an overlook on how many poor spanish families continued throughout hard times. Esperanza is a character that will show you properly how to distribute your life goals and how to work around them if it is taking longer than it should. 

To conclude my message, it is important for not only spanish readers but for all races to read this short story to get an overview on how life will come quickly towards you if you do not have a plan walking into adult ages. Many young readers and teenagers should read this novel to understand what happens next, or to see how they might want to distribute their life quite faster as she did. Anyone who reads this story will be able to understand what Espernza went through, and her determination to live her own life on her own to become a happy person. 

The author's comments:

well written story

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